This blog is brought to you in an attempt, albeit a feeble one, to limn my experiences and realizations about my life's trials and tribulations, joy and happiness, friends and family, their impact on my life. It is my way of coping with angst and exhilaration, and finding how much one can learn from nature and experience what universe has to show through photography, if only we keep our eyes and heart open, and welcome that is counterintuitive to our beliefs and values.
As a visitor here, you are part of my fantastic extended family. Your thoughts, reactions and input is valuable to me to continue my growth. I truly believe learning never ends, and any advise I receive is with gratitude, since you took time and effort from your otherwise hectic life to provide it. I cherish that small gesture on your part and makes any critical feedback that much easier to embrace.
Story behind the name of the site: One of the members I respect a lot, at a photography forum that I participate, and is dedicated to Minolta/Sony cameras ( made an observation about my photos couple of years earlier. She said "Sury, you love to take a fotograph, but fotography is another story". Of course, she was referring to my composition skills, in that comment. That comment stuck with me and I.A.A.F.L is born (I Am A Fotograf Lover). This is a symbolic reminder of weltschmerz, the gap between a photograph lover and my love for photography, a dragon that I need to slay, and slay alone. I will carry the subtext of any which way IAAFL with me to the eternity.
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